Volunteer Stories

What do New Wine Volunteers Have to Say? 

“My experience in this team has been phenomenal, I have grown spiritually and I seen how my ministry has inspired others and impacted the church.” Jessica; Music Team 

“Being in this team has been an eye opener and a rewarding experience. It has helped me to realise that by providing hot food, we are sowing both spiritual and physical seeds in people’s lives.” Jess; John Wilsons’ Pantry Team 

“Since joining this team, my people skills have developed and I feel more connected to the Church, and part of a family.” Crystabel; Information & Ushering Team 

“Whilst my work in this team has been demanding, I have grown both physically and spiritually, and I have developed crisis management and technical skills”. Yinka; Multimedia Team 

“This team has given me a better, contextual understanding of money. In the past, I never saw Christianity and prosperity together. I now see that God wants us to prosper, so we can be a blessing to other people.” Grace; Finance Team